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The Life and Needs of the Country People  

2008-02-07 23:40:05|  分类: 父亲钱克仁 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 Tsien Ke Jen


【编者按】家父钱克仁先生1928年 - 1934年在嘉兴秀州中学读书。以下是刊登在该校校刊《秀州钟》1934年第13期第29- 30页)他的另一篇英文作文,中文仍是他的同学骆坚卿先生在2002年2月翻译的。




China is made up of a great number of country people or farmers. Many enterprises in China, both national and individual, are supported by their productivities. The country people are the most important people in China. We must first pay great attention to their life and needs, and then we may improve their productivities, because this is the true way to prevent China from poverty and weakness.


The life of the Chinese country people is simpler than that of the country people in other countries. They have no excessive hopes, such as to have much money, to live in better houses, and to attend social affairs in the local towns. But they do seek enough food to eat even though bad houses to live in, even though they poor; and very simple clothes to war, which are the lowest conditions for existence of human beings. They work faithfully at their time in tending their farms and raising silkworms, but they do not get more wealthy and comfortable after they have given rise to their creditors, paid taxes to the government and sold their silk. They have not enough knowledge to solve their problems either in farming or in human affairs, but they solve them depending on their faith in their gods which are placed in the temples in the bigger towns near their homes. They cannot and will not improve their methods in plotting farms and keeping silkworms, although they are failing in these things still more in recent years. They suffer from all kinds of difficulties at this critical moment, work hard and ceaselessly, and believe that the real emperor will rule in our country some day after many years of perplexity. How foolish they are!


With regard to the needs of the country people, I think that their first necessity is education. They must learn something about the new methods in working, must know that is going on all over the world, and not be blind to right and wrong, true and false, so that they may solve their problems reasonably. Their second necessity is that "they should be given the opportunity to lead a peaceful life and fully to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Their life and property must be fully protected." Therefore our duty is to make the leaders in China pay great attention to the country people and help to reform their life. We ourselves must not only talk in their interest but we must teach them and do practical work in the country so that the life of the country people will be improved, and their productivities will be increased, and China will grow strong.











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